Hi! I wanted to give an update on Ellie's room, but first..........
I have started making these adorable essential oil bags! If you have recently visited my shop and did not see a style you love, you have two options! 1. I will soon have some new bags up, so just check back with me. 2. You can comment on my blog or convo me in my etsy shop 3anniemouse3.etsy.com for a special order. I can make my shopping bags or essential oil cases in any fabric you desire. I hope to hear from you soon!
Now, back to the plans for my daughter.....Ellie is turning the big 1-3 this May and I am undertaking some huge projects for her delight. #1 Was to repaint her bedroom. It is now a lovely gray. I still need to make a cover for her comforter with its huge hot pink and lime green flowers. I've decided to go the duvet route. (didn't that line look so fancy?) My hugest (I know, not fancy) project is to create a new doll house for her using a bookshelf. I have pinned a dozen ideas on my "doll stuff" board on Pinterest. I suppose that will count as homework. haha. My girl loves her dolls, but she wants her doll to have a modern house. Quartz counter tops, stainless steel appliances....the whole nine yards. Now, I am a French country, provincial, romantic, rosey type. Modern is not in my vocabulary. This will be a stretching experience. I've begun by buying this bookshelf from Target that has lovely dark hardwood floors already... ha.
I have stocked up on metallic paints and scrapbook paper. I dream about modern doll furniture at night. This is going to be bad. In the mean time, I have lots of sewing to do!! She is going bonkers because I won't tell her what I am planning. It is for her birthday after all! More updates to come!
She is going to love it! It is so great that you're going to decorate it just how she wants!